Egg donation in Kenya is the ideal solution for single men and women with long illness that damaged their ovaries. 

Donors are thoroughly vetted and screened before being accepted to enter our database.

surrogacy in kenya donor

Young women

Volunteer young and beautiful women are screened from genetic and well-known diseases before being presented as donors. 


Access our database of some registered egg donors ready to start the journey as soon as you register to start your journey. 

surrogacy in kenya, donor

Candidates up to 30 years old

egg donoation - surrogacy in kenya

Young donors

egg donoation - surrogacy in kenya

Fully vetted

Medically checked

Medically checked



egg donoation - surrogacy in kenya

Ready to start

egg donoation - surrogacy in kenya

Ready to help

egg donoation - surrogacy in kenya

Black ethnicity

egg donoation - surrogacy in kenya

Indian background

Caucasian origin

Caucasian origin